Saturday, June 9, 2018

Moving The Blog

I have decided to move my blog from Blogger to Netlify.

I am a fan of Blogger, it's a great way for people to get themselves online.

I am a bigger fan of R.  I use it regularly.  I never liked having to jump through hoops to format R output to fit in Blogger.

With the 'blogdown' package by Yihui Xie, I can now build posts in R through RStudio, using Hugo.  The compiled files are then saved to my Github repo, and Netlify automatically updates within seconds.

So... the old content will be slowly migrated.

... and the new is now live!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

A(nother) Brief Update... Again...

It's been a while and a lot has happened:
  1. I found full-time employment as a data analyst.
  2. My wife and I purchased a home.
  3. I've finished my master's degree program and graduated.
Now that I have some space and time, I am working on a blog post a bit more interesting than this one.  The plan is to post up at least monthly.  I'd like to post something every other week but I'll (re)start slowly to build up topics, do research, analyze data, and then write.

So... stay tuned!
Creative Commons LicenseJust A Data Geek Blog by Richard Ian Carpenter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.